May 07, 2011

HappyJonasDay - Jonas International Day

Well, today is 7th May and that mean Today is JONAS INTERNATIONAL DAY !!!

I'm sure some of you wonder "What is Jonas International Day?", am i right?
Jonas International Day is not Nick, Joe or Kevin Birthday even Frankie No...!!! BIG NO!!!

Jonas International Day is made by Team Jonas around the world to show that They are love JONAS BROTHERS SO MUCH by defending them from Haters !!!

Why must 7th May???
Once upon a time on that date. Jonas Haters was planning make Jonas Brothers Hate/Suck Day. They were gaining the power from all Jonas Haters to make 7th May be JonasBrothers Hate/Suck day But....Of Course Jonas Head more Plobrng than 'em
All Team Jonas start making the haters being FOOL and they were showing their love to JonasBrothers and Unpredictable all Team Jonas around the world become one and the Haters had nothing

To appreciate that 7th May become Jonas International Day because on that day the first time Team Jonas around the world UNITE!

And There's fun fact bout Jonas International Day. Yes It's on 7th May and we can change it to 7/05 and of course Y'all familiar with this number right ???

7:05 <= The song of Jonas Brothers from their first Album "It's About Time"

And today all Team Jonas celebrate it too on Twitter and of course HappyJonasDay become TT WorldWide
Here's The pic that i snap from My Twitter

FYI : Thanks to Jonas Haters because without you Team Jonas won't having Jonas International Day